Now back off each nut 1 additional turn, and give the center of the plate a sharp rap with a hammer. Next, back off on the nuts, until they just contact the plate. Install the bolt assembly thru a washer and the 1/4' thick plate, and lightly bottom in the flywheel. Buy new all thread bolts 1' longer, and install a nut, run all the way to the head of the bolt. Lay the plate on top of the nut, and determine how long the bolts have to be to bottom in the holes in the flywheel. Loosen the flywheel hold down nut until it is flush with the end of the crank. Does yours have 3 - 1/4x20 screws or bolts mounting the starter to the flywheel? If it does, like mine did, find a piece of 1/4' flat stock, and drill 3 -5/16' holes to match the patern on the flywheel. Make sure the engine is what it says it should be.I used to have a Champion outboard.Make sure the serial number follows the usual format.Make sure the sticker hasn't been tampered with.Run the serial number through a stolen database as well as checking if it is valid.How do you check if an outboard motor is stolen? The number will start with a 0 or 1, then a letter (eg. You can locate the engine serial number on the starboard side of the engine on the transom bracket. These digits coincide with the last two digits of the year in which the outboard was manufactured.Īccordingly, how do I find the serial number on my boat motor? The latest serial number labels display a 2-digit number in a box at the lower right portion of the label. How do you read a outboard serial number? Answer: Every Mercury outboard has a serial number label located on the transom bracket area of the engine. Nine-character model numbers indicate outboards made between 19. Determine the year of an Evinrude outboard with a nine-character model number by locating the seventh and eighth character of the number. Regarding this, what year is my Evinrude 6hp? The model number will identify the year and certain details of that motor. The nameplate should contain a model number and a serial number. Your Evinrude outboard model number can usually be found on the nameplate located on the motor or the mounting bracket.