The obtained results show that MRF wit PT steel connections represent better behavior in respect with MRF with welded connections. The parameters investigated in this study include the angle size, angle gage length, beam flange reinforcing plates, shim plates, number of strands, initial posttensioning force and stiffened angles. Different parameters influence on behavior of PT steel connection. In this research the seismic responses of steel buildings with semi rigid post-tensioned connections (PT) are estimated and compared with those steel buildings with typical rigid (welded) connections.

The angles act as energy dissipation devices in PT connections. posttensioned to provide a pre-compression of the beam against the column. Strands are placed along the length of the beam, passing through the column and.

The connection includes top and seat angles bolted to the beam and column. A steel post-tensioned connection with top and seat angles has recently been developed. Post-tensioned (PT) connections are used in steel moment resisting frames to eliminate structural damage and minimize residual drifts under seismic loads. Cutting from the carbon steel side has the advantages of cost reduction Read more For the second cut, the sample was turned over and cut from the carbon steel side. For the first cut, the sample was placed in a horizontal position, and it was successfully severed from the SS side. For all three, the operating parameters were the same but the position of the sample was varied. Three sectioning operations were demonstrated. section the simulated reactor vessel air arc gouging was selected to penetrate the stainless steel, and flame cutting was selected to sever the carbon steel. layer of stainless steel (SS) was tungsten inert gas (TIG)-welded to the carbon steel. thick sample was fabricated of A36 carbon steel to simulate a reactor vessel wall. A technical demonstration was successfully completed of simulated reactor vessel sectioning using the combined techniques of air arc gouging and flame cutting.